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7 Tips for Increasing Organic Reach on Instagram and TikTok

Maintaining strong organic reach on platforms like Instagram and TikTok has become increasingly challenging, as many users express. Recent shifts, including the anticipated TikTok ban in January and the usual seasonal impact of summer, have contributed to a noticeable decline in organic reach and engagement.

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Social Media Marketing Denique Akinwumi Social Media Marketing Denique Akinwumi

Nara Smith X Marc Jacobs and The Ethics of Collaboration

Marc Jacobs' recent collaboration with TikTok influencer Nara Smith has sparked both praise and controversy in the marketing world. While the campaign successfully leveraged Smith's massive following with a seemingly perfect collaboration, seamlessly interweaved with Nara’s unique content style, it raises important questions about idea ownership and ethical practices in influencer marketing.

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Social Media Marketing Miriam Fawcett Social Media Marketing Miriam Fawcett

Why Quarterly Reporting Is More Valuable In Social Media

Tracking your analytics on a weekly and monthly basis on social media allows you to track your performance; however, we rarely hear about the importance of quarterly reporting and how valuable it is in driving more informed decisions in your social media strategy. In this blog, we’ll dive into quarterly reporting, making data-driven decisions and show you how to plan for Q2.

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