How To Get Over Your Content Rut

If you’re dreading showing up for your community and creating content…

… then you’re approaching content creation with the wrong mindset. You shouldn’t have to feel dreadful when showing up for your online community and there’s no point in forcing yourself to create content either as we both know this will lead to yet another burnout and inconsistency (hello two-month social media break)! The way around this is to begin creating content that fits your personality and lifestyle instead of content that you create just because it worked for someone else - yes to creating content that excites you. Keep reading for shifts you can make today to show up without feeling pressured to!


create more content you enjoy

Now, this is obvious: in order to feel excited about your content again, you need to create content that you enjoy but what does this mean for you? It means:

  • Not creating content just to please the algorithm if it doesn’t feel like it fits you or your brand (i.e. lip-syncing trends).

  • Not forcing content that feels unnatural to you just because a social media guru told you we have the attention spans of a goldfish now, aka you don’t need to speak at the speed of light or film from ten different angles in one video if that’s not your vibe.

There are no set rules for social media success. Whenever you see one person claiming something will ruin your social media success, you’ll have another person doing just that and building an empire with it. Roll with your unique approach, the right audience will appreciate it sooner or later.


Shift your perspective

‘‘Ugh I have to batch content today, I can’t think of anything worse’’, is not how we want you to think of content creation anymore. The reason you feel this might be because your perspective needs a little tweaking. Instead of thinking of content creation as just another task that you need to tick off, think of it as a conversation. A conversation between you and the people you want to help, aka your target audience. Your content will allow you to share whatever it is that you do with your unique community, through it you will be able to connect with and help more people than ever before. You’re able to share your incredible work with the world. Kinda cheesy but it’s true.


Practice discipline

Truth is, you won’t always feel like creating content, nor do we but it’s a vital asset to a thriving online brand and consistency is and will always be key to success on socials. We recommend you create content when you feel excited at all times but show up anyways when you do not. This way you can keep hitting your goals and growing your online brand. Treat it as a business, not a hobby, make it a priority!

Pro Tip: Plan and prep for busier times and create a content creation routine, this will enable you to stay consistent and never experience the ‘‘I haven’t posted in two weeks’’ syndrome. Book a chat here to come up with a sustainable content creation routine unique to you with our Founder Miriam (she’s really good at this stuff ;)



Surprisingly your whole online presence won’t collapse just because you haven’t posted for a week (anyone else shocked at this?). Taking a break for a week or two is actually more productive for your overall (online) success sometimes. When we tell you that a simple walk in nature can sometimes flood your mind with endless content ideas, we mean it. Spend time with your loved ones, focus on yourself, go on vacation, go for walks - do something you love instead of beating yourself up for not posting. You’re human, not a robot.

Pro Tip: Simply let us take over your socials and enjoyyy your weeks off, while we take care of everything else! Interested? Book a consultation call with Miriam here.


Just to recap

Don’t force yourself to show up, create more content that you enjoy creating, find a routine that allows you to stay consistent, practice discipline, and take breaks. Remember, like with anything in life it’s a journey to find what works for you and it takes time, be patient with yourself.




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